We Salute Our ANZACs
Our ANZACs have sacrificed a great deal to afford us the freedom we enjoy today. However, they continue to endure the effects of their service long after they have returned.
Physiotherapy can be a great option and sometimes the best natural option to relieve pain for our veterans who suffer physical injuries incurred while serving.
Fortunately, under an arrangement from the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), our veterans may be entitled to receive Physiotherapy treatment from us completely funded by the DVA! Continue reading to learn more.

Who is eligible?
If you have a DVA Gold Card or Totally & Permanently Incapacitated (Gold Card) the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) will pay for physiotherapy services, available through DVA arrangements, to meet your clinical needs.
If you have a DVA White Card, DVA will pay for physiotherapy services, provided under DVA arrangements, if they are required because of an accepted war or service caused injury or disease.
Allied veterans are eligible for treatment of war caused disabilities accepted by the entitled person’s country of enlistment.
How do I access this service?
You must be referred to a physiotherapist who is able to provide services under the Medicare Benefits Scheme. A referral can be issued by a:
- general Practitioner
- medical specialist
- treating doctor in hospital
- hospital discharge planner
- physiotherapist with a current referral
A referral remains active for twelve months from the date of referral. Referral dates cannot overlap from one twelve month period to the next.
What happens when I visit the physiotherapist?
Please present your Gold or White DVA Health Card at the beginning of a consultation or before you receive treatment. The physiotherapist will assess your clinical need for physiotherapy services, prepare a written care plan for the period of care required and discuss it with you.
The physiotherapist will provide you with a copy of the treatment record for your reference.
Do I need to sign a treatment record?
Service providers can submit treatment records electronically. If this is not the case, you may be required to sign a record of treatment at the completion of each visit to ensure your treatment is covered by DVA. Before you sign, please check that the treatment record shows:
- your name
- your DVA file number
- the date of treatment
- the item number for the service provided, and
- your accepted disability or condition for which you required podiatry services and/or supplies (if you are a White Card holder).
If you are unable to sign, a member of your family, or someone else who attends the appointment with you, may sign on your behalf. Otherwise the physiotherapist must note that you are unable to sign.
Are there limits to the number of services I can receive?
Yes, your physiotherapist will determine the type, number and frequency of services you require according to your assessed clinical need.
Physiotherapy and chiropractic treatment or physiotherapy and osteopathic treatment cannot be provided for the same condition at the same time. You should advise your treating provider if you are receiving treatment of the same condition from a chiropractor or osteopath.
*Note: – you should advise your treating physiotherapist if another physiotherapist, chiropractor or osteopath has provided you with treatment during the previous twelve months. This will prevent your current provider from experiencing difficulties in claiming payment for services provided to you.
Do I need to pay for treatment?
No, your physiotherapist will bill DVA direct for any treatment provided to you if the service is provided under DVA arrangements. This represents the full fee for the service provided.
If you are billed by your physiotherapist, do not pay the account and advise DVA immediately.
More Information
DVA General Enquiries
Phone: 1800 555 254 *
Email: GeneralEnquiries@dva.gov.au
DVA Website: www.dva.gov.au
Factsheet Website: www.dva.gov.au/factsheets
* Calls from mobile phones and pay phones may incur additional charges.