Hello there. My name is Leki Sisifa and I’m a Family man, Healthy enthusiast and passionate advocate of healthy longevity and being #ForeverYoung (my favourite catch cry!). I’m writing this letter to my 20-something year old self and I hope some of these lessons...
The hip joint is comprised of the head of the femur (thigh bone) and the acetabulum of the pelvis (a concave dome shaped area in the pelvis). The labarum is also involved as a rim of cartilage around the acetabulum which deepens the joint to increase stability and...
So before we start let’s dive deeper into where the meniscus sits and what it does for the knee. It sits on the tibial plateau (top surface of the shin bone) between the tibia (shin bone) and the femur (thigh bone). They are important for distributing load and...
Thumb pain is becoming more and more common nowadays. From texting to gaming, we use our thumbs everyday and as a result, injuries occur. Numerous factors can cause pain in the thumb but tracing it back to the cause is extremely important as it helps diagnose the...
Groin pain can greatly vary in severity and intensity. It can be caused by relatively benign conditions such as muscle strains to more severe conditions such as hernias. Usually, pain in the groin is a result of a sporting injury or physical activity and muscle...