SPOTLIGHT ON – Allyssa Lolesio-Pua Pt.3
Hi guys,
This is Part 3 of Allyssa’s knee rehabilitation. Check out the previous Spotlight – HERE.
Allyssa is now 3 months (12 weeks) post R ACL reconstruction and is absolutely flying!
We are in a situation where the primary issue is not pain or swelling but trying to slow down Allyssa from being too enthusiastic!
Yes that’s right – we want to give Allyssa clear boundaries so she knows what the main do’s and don’ts are.
A big achievement is now being cleared to return to some gentle straight line running!
You can imagine how much of a relief it would be to finally return back to some higher level activity. Remember she got injured in late-Sept 2018, ACL reconstruction in mid-Oct and was able to run late-Jan 2019. That’s a long time to remain compliant and patient so hats off to Allyssa for sticking to her guns!
The main thing to avoid a this stage of her rehab to avoid heavy cutting/agility type movements with her running.
Remember it can take her 6-12 months to return to sport.
Not because of pain or swelling.
Not because of the strength and support around the knee.
Purely due to the ACL graft. Remember I emphasised that the hamstring tendon (graft) takes a long time to mature into a structure similar to a ligament. That’s why ACL reconstructions take so long!
So in reviewing the traditional ACL rehabilitation protocol we have officially entered Stage 2 – exciting times ahead!
Stage 1: 0 to Month 3 post operation
- Reduce pain and swelling
- Achieve full knee bending and straightening
- Start gentle lower leg strengthening work
Stage 2: Month 2-6
- Start some straight line running
- Increase the strengthening load on the knee
- Start some agility/jump work
Stage3: Month 6-9+
- Return to sport specific conditioning work
- Return to monitored sports training
- Return to sport
I hope you’ve found this post helpful and we’ll keep you updated of Allyssa’s well being journey!
Big shoutout to Nick Longhurst Head S&C at ACE Performance for helping Alyssa with her ACL rehabilitation!
– Leki