Speaking Engagements!

Apr 30, 2020 | Written by Leki | 0 comments

Speaking Engagements!

Today I’d like to revisit some great events we’ve had the chance to present our knowledge on!

Now public speaking is never an easy feat but with time you get to hone your craft and find ways to deliver your message with better impact.

In 2019 I was able to present (via online) a presentation on “3 Things To Help With Your Performance” for Iron Armour’s New Breed Athlete Conference.

The presentation explores my observation in high level sport where Happy, Focused and Healthy athletes tend to outperform and outlast their contemporaries.

It’s always a challenge to speak in front of an audience but it makes it easier when you’re passionate about the topics you cover.

Fast forward to Feb 2020 I was asked to present about our Health Business at the Pacific Connections Expo in which I talked about “What’s Your Stable Table? The 4 Pillars To Survive & Thrive Running Your Business & Household”.

In this presentation I explain the importance of Food, Exercise, Sleep & Stress Management are the keys to success in your Business Life and your Home Life. It is not an exhaustive list but one to start you off on your own journey!

Believe it or not on the very same weekend I presented at Pacfic Connections Expo, Aarvi presented at a local boxing health club 12RD Hoppers Crossing.

He shared his insights on key Activation protocols learnt from Physio Andrew Lock and shared some knowledge on safe lift technique from Australian Strength Coach – Sebastian Oreb.

Lastly with the challenges regarding COVID-19 things have also moved online including presentations!

Jennifer Wright from Let Light In You invited me to speak about my developing passion in Health – Longevity.

In this presentation I share some personal stories of how I was on my way to being a Type II diabetic at 30yo, how 3 x concussion episodes playing Rugby caused short term memory loss (I forgot my Facebook password for over 2 weeks) and I couldn’t run for 2 years!

Plus after having baby #1 and being overweight and unhappy… it was time to make the change.

“Longevity With Leki” has moved from being about weight loss initially to lifelong health.

So that’s our work so far regarding presentations and seminars and we look forward to sharing our help and knowledge with you in the future.

Stay happy and healthy.


– Leki
