Iron Armour Academy (Recon Camp 2018)
Hi guys,
Today I’d like to shine the spotlight on the team at Iron Armour (IA).
It’s run by founders Chris Aho and Marcell Putaura and supported by team members Rochell Aho and Emma Putaura. I previously highlighted our partnership with the IA team in a previous post – HERE.
There is a lot of excitement around IA HQ as selections were made for the touring squad to Europe in April 2019.
So I thought I would shed the light on how physio will assist IA with the preparation of the athletes and keep you updated on how we go about it.
I have been fortunate to have experience a lot of travel with sorting teams over the last 10 years as a physio. Locally, interstate and internationally and it takes a lot of work to get everything running smoothly.
One of the main duties I will be performing in the lead up to the tour will be screening the IA athletes.
Most Monday nights I will be on hand at IA HQ to help with screening athletes who are recovering after a long season playing winter sport.
The actual screening process can take 10 minutes per athlete where I go through a structured routine of assessing from the head down to the ankle.
During the screening process I may pick up that an athlete is carrying a ‘niggly’ injury or there’s more stiffness in the neck or there’s restriction in one shoulder compared to the other one etc.
Whatever the screening process finds it give us real information to measure and monitor as the strength and conditioning (S&C) coaches administer their conditioning protocols. Then every time we catch up with the athlete over time we can then review and monitor how the athlete is recovering.
We are in the first week of Oct so there’s just over 7 months of preparation for the team before the tour on Apr 2018.
I’ll keep you updated on how we go!
– Leki